About Source

Our vision

Source has been formed through the shared vision of its three founders, Peter Workman, Tim Summers and Justyn McIlhinney. We want to be the most trusted source of legal support for businesses and flexible careers for lawyers.

Peter, Tim and Justyn are all solicitors who began their career in City firms. As their experience of traditional law firms widened, each became interested in the potential of other models. For Peter, this meant flexible legal support. While a corporate partner at each of PwC and KPMG, Peter set up and led the firm’s flexible legal support business. For Tim and Justyn, it meant founding their own law firm in 2010. This firm, Temple Bright, adopted a streamlined partner-only model enabling it to keep four promises to clients, intended to resolve the most common client complaints about using solicitors.

Peter, Tim and Justyn discovered that business clients and lawyers alike are receptive to new working methods. Both parties appreciate the lighter and more agile approach made possible by a departure from the traditional law firm model. For clients, this means direct access to the individuals they prefer and greater value for money and price certainty. For lawyers, it means more freedom and flexibility, both in how they advise and in how they structure their workload and career.

Source by Temple Bright, launched in 2024, is a collaboration which builds on its three founders’ deep experience of flexible legal support and commercial private practice. It is a response to demand from clients for a firm which provides high calibre senior lawyers for placements at a reasonable price, with the option to call on a flexible wider team. It is a response to demand from lawyers for a career path outside traditional partnership or employment, offering access to a wide variety of client and work types under the in-house placement model, where autonomy is combined with credibility and low income risk.

Peter describes the theory and practice of this collaboration in more detail, in his article Source and Temple Bright: the best of the traditional and the innovative.

The founders’ shared vision and combined experience make Source well positioned to become the flexible legal support provider of choice for clients and lawyers in the UK.

Our board

Peter Workman

Director and CEO Peter is a corporate lawyer who qualified in 2003 and worked in City law firms including Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Herbert Smith Freehills and King & Wood Mallesons before becoming a partner at PwC in 2015 and then a partner at KPMG in 2019. In both Big Four firms he combined his corporate practice with running a flexible legal support business serving companies with an in-house legal team. He co-founded Source in 2024.

M: +44 (0) 7778 275 997
T: +44 (0) 20 7139 8301
Peter Workman
Tim Summers

Tim Summers

Director Tim Summers is a corporate and commercial lawyer who qualified in 1999 at City law firm Simmons & Simmons. He worked at Burges Salmon and was a partner in a mid-sized law firm in Bristol before co-founding Temple Bright with Justyn McIlhinney in 2010. He co-founded Source in 2024.

M: +44 (0) 7581 225 804
T: +44 (0) 20 7139 8201

Justyn McIlhinney

Director Justyn McIlhinney is a real estate lawyer who qualified in 2001 at City law firm Herbert Smith (now Herbert Smith Freehills). He was a partner in a mid-sized law firm in Bristol before co-founding Temple Bright with Tim Summers in 2010. He co-founded Source in 2024.

M: +44 (0) 7581 225 807
T: +44 (0) 117 325 3334
Justyn McIlhinney